Customer Testimonials

We have been carrying Weeks & Leo products for 20 years. Their extensive product line allows us to recommend a high quality, lower priced alternative to brand name items in a variety of healthcare products. The private label feature gives us one of our most effective advertising options.

While offering our customers products that we have confidence in is important, the attractive product margins have impacted our bottom line very favorably. Confidence, Quality and Profitability make us a very satisfied Weeks & Leo customer. 

Rick Zimbric, Dan Fitzgerald Pharmacy, Milwaukee, WI 

"I have been a customer since 1989 and have known W&L for many years before that. Always wonderful reps and products that my customers have trusted. Craig's Products" are the best advertising that I could have. Imagine every time the bottle is opened, the customer sees my name!! Bob Hauert & Dan Poremba have been two people that have helped Craig's Family Pharmacy succeed in this changing world of pharmacy. 

Craig Mandel, Craigs Family Pharmacy, Glen Ellyn, IL